What Nutrients Are Important in a Plant-Based Diet?

You have to know what nutrients are important if you’re either planning on switching to a plant-based diet or already have. You have to understand that an animal-based diet does have several nutrient benefits. Obviously, these nutrients can be found in a plant-based diet, but they’re nutrients you’ll need to

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Are You Seeking Personal Growth and Development?

A lot of you are probably wondering why you aren’t seeing the level of personal growth and development you envision for yourself. The truth is, many people fail to put themselves in a position to grow and neglect taking advantage of opportunities to develop. You can wish and hope for

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The Benefits and Challenges of Self-Regulation — Or Lack of It

Self-regulation, as defined by Merriam-Webster, means control or supervision from within instead of by an external authority. In its essence, self-regulation is the ability to monitor and manage you various emotions, actions, and thoughts that we encounter on a daily basis.  Self-regulation can help you avoid punishment and shame, while

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The Beauty of Spreading Kindness

Spreading kindness has become a lost art in today’s society. I’m sure there’s been several moments today where life was just a bit too much to handle. It’s something we all experience, so we understand the feeling.  I think we can all agree that it’s the small things in life’s

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Learning to Find Value in Your Body

If I were to ask you what you don’t like about your body, chances are you would have several answers in a matter of seconds. If I were to ask you where you do find value in your body, it will likely be tougher to find an answer — or

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Learning to Let Go of Materialism

Materialism continues to fuel our society into higher levels of depression, debt, selfishness, and stress. In the digital age we live in today, the materialistic life is promoted and advertised in the commercials we watch, social media platforms we use, and video games we play.  We are literally taught to

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Setting SMART Goals to Stay on Track

Goal-setting is something we do everyday, but setting SMART goals is something you may be unfamiliar with. Sometimes we make long-term goals, sometimes we make short-term goals, and other times we make goals that we want to accomplish by the end of the day.  These can be goals we set

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Major Principles of Thriving Relationships

Humans are meant to connect with others, it doesn’t matter if you are a male or female. In fact, it’s a fundamental part of what makes us human in the first place. These connections will often lead to building relationships with those around us, whether it be a family member,

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Learning to Deal With “What’s Next?” Thoughts

We’ve all experienced those moments where we make a big decision or find out some major news that could affect our future. We instantly start to panic as we start to obsess over our next move. This can create bad energy and have negative effects on the outcome of the

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Increasing Your Harmonious Passion

Passion is something you’ve either already found, are still searching for, or gave up on a long time ago. It’s no secret that finding your passion in life is a difficult task, but that should never be a reason to give up on it.  If finding your passion wasn’t already

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